In Depth
This page provides details on the Equal Pay BC issue.
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Equal Pay Briefing
For Government MLAs
Community Social Services organizations provide support to BC’s most vulnerable citizens, including seniors, people with developmental disabilities and those living in poverty.
The sector employs over 35,000 people in provincially funded positions, and 17,000 of those people do not belong to unions.
From 1994 to 2019, it was government practice to provide the same increases to public sector employers for union and non-union workers in equivalent positions.
In 2019, the government chose to fund Low Wage Redress increases for unionized workers only.
Since 2019, the gap between increases for union and non-union workers has increased by at least 12% and up to 30% for some positions.
Recruitment and Retention are significant concerns for the whole social services sector.
This practice discriminates against a workforce that is almost 80% women.
This practice puts services to vulnerable people in BC at risk.
Ministry Mandate letters direct ministers to improve services to vulnerable people and address inequities faced by women and people of colour. This practice of unequal pay contradicts these mandates.
Because the government has continued this practice for three years despite advocacy efforts, a group of 11 employees from different agencies, plus 26 agencies, have filed an Unfair Labour Practice complaint against the Provincial Government.
There is a Labour Relations Board hearing starting September 20, 2021, to address this complaint.
Regardless of whether the Government wins or loses, they will have established a position against equal pay for people that work in this vital sector.
Action Request
Ask the Premier to stop discriminating against workers in Community Social Services.
Ask the Minister for Social Development and Poverty Reduction to pay all workers fairly.
Ask the Minister for Children and Family Development to pay all workers fairly.
Ask the PSEC / Minister of Finance to pay all workers fairly.